How To Cite An Advertisement Apa

3 min read
You might need to reference an advertising using APA style when writing academic papers. 

Citations are crucial in academic writing since they both acknowledge the original source and offer evidence to back up your claims. 

We'll give you a detailed walkthrough of the APA citation process in this article.

Knowing the APA Citation Style

How To Cite An Advertisement Apa
It is crucial to comprehend the fundamentals of APA citation style before getting into the intricacies of citing an advertising. American Psychological Association is the name of the citation format that is widely used in the social sciences. 

In academic papers, research summaries, and journal articles, it is used to cite sources.

Citations and reference lists must be formatted according to a set of rules and regulations known as APA style. The author's name, the date of publication, and the page number are all required for in-text citations in the APA format. 

The sources used in the paper are listed in the reference list, which is alphabetized according to the last name of the authors.

How to Cite an Ad in APA Format

Print ads, web ads, and television commercials are just a few of the many formats that advertisements can take. 

You must take the sort of advertisement and its location into account when mentioning it in APA style.

Advertising in print

You must adhere to the standard format for referencing a magazine or newspaper article in order to properly quote a print advertisement in APA style:


The author is A. (Year, Month Day). Advertisement's name. Title of the publication, volume (issue) number, and page number (s).


Smith, J. (2023, January 5). Sports Illustrated, 145(3), 38-39. Nike Air Max Shoes.

Smith is the author in the sample above, and the publishing date is January 5, 2023. Nike Air Max Shoes is the name of the advertising, which appeared on pages 38 and 39 of Sports Illustrated, volume 145, issue 3.

Internet advertising

You must give the name of the website, the date the advertisement was published, and the URL to reference an online advertisement in APA style:


The author is A. (Year, Month Day). [Advertisement] is the name of the ad. Name of website. URL


Adidas. (2022, November 25). (2022, November 25). Oceans first, always [Advertisement]. All-in-for-the-oceans by Adidas, available at

Adidas is the author in the case above, and the publishing date is November 25, 2022. All in for the oceans is the name of the advertising, which was posted on the Adidas website.

television commercial

You must list the firm name, the commercial's title, the channel, the day it aired, and other details when referencing a television commercial in APA format:


Business Name. Date, Month, and Year. [Television Commercial] is the name of the commercial. Channel.


Coca-Cola. December 25, 2021. [Television commercial] The holidays are coming. NBC.

Holidays are Coming is the name of the advertisement, which is produced by Coca-Cola in the aforementioned instance. On NBC, the advertisement aired on December 25, 2021.

Questions and Answers

Do I have to cite each and every piece of advertising in my paper?

Only the advertising that you actually quote or paraphrase in your paper need to be referenced.

Do I have permission to cite adverts in my research paper?

Research articles can cite advertisements as sources, but it's important to assess their legitimacy and credibility.

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